UNISYSTEMS provides a fully skilled workforce with highly experienced management and supervision. We're experts in scheduling your cleaning services, selecting the highest quality products and assisting you in every aspect of the cleaning process. And unlike other cleaning companies, we provide a full guarantee that work is completed to your specification and satisfaction.

UNISYSTEMS staffs your building only with qualified cleaning personnel and supervisors. We maintain comprehensive general liability insurance as well as workers compensation coverage.

UNISYSTEMS puts our proven systems in motion for you by researching the most efficient and productive ways to clean and maintain your building. Our management professionally surveys for high traffic areas, problem spots that require special treatments, and locations where we can improve existing conditions. Then we develop a comprehensive customized maintenance schedule for your location that follows our own strict cleaning standards.

Management and Supervision


Beginning at our own company headquarters, UNISYSTEMS administrative support includes all personnel work, workload analysis, work method study, regular quality inspection and performance reviews.


In the field, our district manager inspects your building for the purpose of program evaluation and to maintain ongoing communications with your representative.


Trained and qualified area supervisors handle day-to-day operations of the cleaning program by continually supervising the cleaning process, quality of work and follow-through on special requests.


Finally, site supervisors follow through on cleaning details with individual teams inside your building.